Saturday, April 17, 2010

Holding On And Letting Go

I have held many things in my hands,
and I have lost them all;
but whatever I have placed in God's hands,
that I still possess.
-Martin Luther

Why do I hang on when it is better to let go? Because I don't realize I am hanging on till the ache of it is too great. Every day I carry a prayer that things will look up. Have more faith. Practice optimism. Count my blessings. After awhile my teeth are aching from clenching and my muscles twitch from holding back words that might be hurtful.
So, today, I start again. Turning my burdens over to the Lord. Doing all I can do and trusting him with the rest. answers to prayers aren't always swift or what we expect. I know we have gone through unemployment before and it hasn't killed us yet.
I am going to take another couple of walks today and think about positive things. Great weather, blossoms, birds, children's laughter, safe neighborhood, kind friends, good kids, husband who loves me, pretty good health, clothes on my back and food in my tummy. Yes, it could be much worse. Let me remember this.

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